Become a Participant
Why are we doing this research?
The aim of our research is to understand how teachers and school staff are currently being trained to understand the needs of LGBT+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans, Queer, Questioning or Other) young people to better support them and their mental health.
As a result of the research, we aim to improve training available to educators and help them to better support LGBT+ pupils in secondary schools and colleges.
What would be involved as a participant?
We would like to understand what school and college pupils and staff think is important to know about LGBT+ young people.
We want to hear from you, no matter whether you identify as LGBT+ or not.
Three options for how to get involved as a participant:
If you don’t feel comfortable speaking in a group setting, interviews can be either 1-to-1 with a KCL (Kings College London) Researcher or 2-to-1 with a KCL Researcher and a young researcher.
Focus Group
We will be running online group discussions with school and college pupils to understand what school training you think is important to have. These will be co-led by a KCL (Kings College London) Researcher and young researchers.
Creative Workshop
A creative online workshop with school and college pupils, co-led by our young researchers to help us identify improvements to existing training for school and college staff.
45 Minutes
90 Minutes
180 Minutes
Don’t want to be a participant? Apply to be a young researcher or on the Advisory Group.
Who qualifies to take part?
Anyone who is a school and college pupil, aged 13-19 years.
We are looking forward to hearing from everyone, whether you identify as LGBT+ or not.
It’s that simple.
Not a young person? You can find out how you can take part as an educator or school.
Important things to consider before joining as a participant:
How do I decide whether to take part?
Please make sure you read all of the information on this page and feel free to discuss it with a family member or adults you trust.
If you would like to discuss your circumstances with us before taking part, please feel free to reach out to us via our contact form.
If you change your mind anytime during the study, you’re free to stop/withdraw from the study.
No reason/explanation needed.
Are there any possible risks
Our research is open to all young people, regardless of how they identify. We understand that some young people who identify with a sexual orientation or gender minority (Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans, Queer, or other) might not want others or certain people to know. This is an important risk that should be considered.
We will not ask you to disclose your sexual orientation or gender identity as part of the research unless you choose to do so, any information you provide will be kept confidential (private).
Some of the questions may touch on sensitive areas (e.g. experiences of coming out or of friends or pupils coming out at school). If you feel uncomfortable with any questions, you do not have to answer them, and if you experience any distress at any time, you can take a break or stop at any time.
What happens to my Information?
- We will be very careful with any information we collect from you, following data protection rules.
- Only the research team will be able to look at it.
- We are not allowed to show anyone else – it is private.
- It will be stored in a secure and password-protected database.
- The information will be stored under a unique name and not your actual name.
- If you’re happy to receive study updates, we will use your email to share this with you.
To find out more about how we use your data, please read our Research Data Handling and Confidentiality Conduct.